better off…not me…

i can hear it,

across a sea of whimsy

across an ocean of tears

held on a breath of circumstance

and in the arms of what a dream can be

a silence deafening

a roar of distant wanting

like a lost child

in a crowd of strangers

i will love you

i will always love you

and look to the sky

and dream to fly

in clouds of white

away from the here and now

the lowliness of being

that person that was simply

not me.




It is the reality of life,

the hellos and goodbyes,

the lift you ups

the crashing downs,

the love in eyes

and the loss of hope,

the happy and the sad.

It is the reality in life,

the fantasy of mind,

where the story is told,

without boundaries,

but there are fences hidden,

along dusty roads,

that you only see,

when looking.

It is the reality of life,

the endless circle,

that is walked along,

wearing thin the dirt,

and trampling the grass,

as my steps hit hard,

never reaching the end,

a place to sleep,

for the weary.